25 Jan 2007

Tagged Twice … Bill Williams

Author: Bobby Valentine | Filed under: Bobby's World, Humor, Tags

Tagged Twice.

Do you remember playing tag as a kid. There was always one person who was faster than the rest of us. If that person got tagged and was “it”; they were so fast that they suddenly tagged you right back. So I am still “it.” Bill Williams is that fast. He has posted a tag with the following rules:

Here are the rules: Here is how it works: 1) Grab the book closest to you 2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence 3) Post the text of the following three sentences 4) Name the author and book title 5) Tag three people to do the same.

This tag is easy so I will hop right to it. The book that is nearest to me is A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms: The Psalms as Torah by J. Clinton McCann, Jr. When I open to page 123 and look at the fourth sentence this is what I read see, (part of an exposition of Ps 82)

The inadequacy of such behavior is also clear in another context, in which God commands the people of Israel to ‘do no injustice [awel] in judgement [misphat]’ (Lev 19.15). Such behavior is grounds for the conviction of humans as well as gods, and again the rationale centers on the nature of divinity. Leviticus 19, part of the Holiness Code, is governed by the opening exhortation, ‘You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy” (19.2); and the recurring motivational phrase is “I am the Lord your God” (19.4,9,12,14,etc). In short, injustice among humans and certainly among gods violates the very nature of who God is and what God wills for humanity.”

Psalm 82 is certainly a powerful call to live out misphat as God’s people. Certainly those who are called to assure justice (judges, politicians, etc) should have the psalm emblazoned upon their hearts.

Well who can I tag? I could be quick and tag Bill back! But no, I will not do that. How about Vonnie Phillips, Sherry Lollar (newer readers of my blog) and Dee Williams.

Stoned-Campbell Disciple

8 Responses to “Tagged Twice … Bill Williams”

  1. Sherry Lollar Says:

    Since I am at work – on lunch break – here it is:

    Harvard Business Review On Breakthrough Leadership – page 123 is part of an essay by Lt. General William G. Pagonis “Leadership in a Combat Zone.”

    “In my command, the ER [Evaluation Report] is a two-or even three-step process. Each individual is evaluated about one or two months into his or her tenure in a position. During this meeting, the superior points out areas of the job at which the ratee is particularly accomplished and identifies other areas that need work. In the months that follow, each individual has an opportunity to develop and improve his or her skills before the final evaluation report.”

    You asked for it! I posted here instead of Random Theological Musings. I tag Bob Lollar, Clay Utley, and Duane McCrory.

  2. cwinwc Says:

    I was never good at “tag.” My nickname of “Piano Man” was not due to my ability to play one but rather referred to the way I ran in which I seem to be carrying one on my back.

  3. laymond Says:

    Bobby I notice your location is listed as Milwaukee is that wishful thinking or do you intend to return?

  4. Wiley Says:


    Glad you made it safely to your new home! Miss your participation at GCM. BTW, I’m starting to experiment with blog software on my web site soooo—-
    Is this an internet style contagious disease or something that infects people who read other blogs?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for letting your long lost friends in Flower Mound know where you relocated. Tina Tucker told me tonight that you had made a journey half way across the world and landed in Arizona. What in the “sam hills” !! I guess this explains not getting a Christmas card this year. We are still in the same location, so let us hear from you when you get all settled in. Love,

    The Speer’s

  6. Matt Says:

    That is a good book! I wish I had a copy sitting around 🙂

  7. Messianic Gentile Says:


    Thanks for your prayers for Eleanor. I have GOOD NEWS to report! See my post at:


    Many blessings…

  8. Mark Says:

    Hey Bobby,

    I am adjuncting an OT survey class at HU right now, and I have a girl in my class from Wisconsin who went to your church. She’s the middle daughter in the Slye family. She came and visited my church yesterday, and told me how much she would miss having you around; she’s very fond of your preaching. Thought you might like to know that. Hope you’re adjusting well to your new settings.


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